How To Build A Home Pull Up Bar In Your Backyard

al kavadlo bodyweight training calisthenics pull ups Jul 22, 2024

If you've ever wanted to build upper body strength and muscle at home, there is nothing else like a pull-up bar.

You can easily work your chest and shoulders with push-ups, presses, and handstand type exercises, but building your back can be more challenging.

The at-home pull up bar allows you to build your upper back, lats, and arms with pull-ups, chin-ups, muscle-ups, and much more.

You can even hang rings from your at-home pull-up bar for dynamic suspension calisthenics type moves.

Plus, you'll save a ton of time and money by working out at home.

Today, Coach Al Kavadlo shows you how he built his home gym with some simple tools and supplies.


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