Eat This Superfood To Get Lean And Jacked!

diet nutrition tanner shuck Aug 28, 2024

Eggs are a superfood that should be part of your routine if strength, muscle, and health is a long term goal.

Fortify Training Coach, Tanner Shuck, eats 15 eggs every day to build and maintain a jacked, strong, and healthy body.

Eggs are naturally rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium and iodine.

They also contain vitamin A and a number of other B vitamins including folate, biotin, pantothenic acid and choline, and other essential minerals and trace elements, including phosphorus.

Plus, they contain around 6 grams of protein each!

Yet, many people have been misinformed about the cholesterol in eggs, and worry about it having a negative effect on their health.

In today's video, Coach Tanner debunks this myth and explains why you should be eating more eggs! 


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